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This function executes the ETL by creating the CDM and vocabulary tables, loading the vocabulary tables, indexing those tables, loading the source_to_concept_map, loading the data tables, indexing the data tables, creating example cohort tables and running the DataQualityDashboard checks and Achilles aggregation.


etl(vocabulary = TRUE, mappings = TRUE, achilles = TRUE, dqd = TRUE)



Determines whether the vocabulary tables should be processed. Since the vocabularies will not change often, testing run time can be reduced by ignoring these tables. Default: TRUE


Determines whether the source to concept mappings will be generated using the mappings files created with OHDSI Usagi. Default: TRUE


Determines whether OHDSI Achilles should be run after loading the data in the CDM to generate table aggregations for use in WebAPI/ATLAS. Setting this to FALSE will significantly reduce testing run time. Default: TRUE


Determines whether the checks of OHDSI DataQualityDashboard should be run after loading the data in the CDM. Setting this to FALSE will significantly reduce testing run time. Default: TRUE


This function requires a configured config.yaml file created using amstel::create_config().

The ETL for AmsterdamUMCdb is based on the excellent and well-documented ETL of the Sythea project available at: