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Reads the vocabulary from the one of the csv files in the Vocabulary path ( Default: data/vocabulary). If the file does not exist, it will show the available csv files in that folder.





Vocabulary name, either the name of the vocabulary table or name of the file. Case-insensitive.


Tibble containing data from one of the vocabulary files


concept <- read_vocabulary("concept")
#> # A tibble: 6,071,642 × 10
#>    concept_id concept_name              domain_id vocabulary_id concept_class_id
#>         <dbl> <chr>                     <chr>     <chr>         <chr>           
#>  1   45756805 Pediatric Cardiology      Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#>  2   45756804 Pediatric Anesthesiology  Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#>  3   45756803 Pathology-Anatomic / Pat… Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#>  4   45756802 Pathology - Pediatric     Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#>  5   45756801 Pathology - Molecular Ge… Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#>  6   45756800 Microbiology              Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#>  7   45756799 Pathology - Hematology    Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#>  8   45756798 Pathology - Forensic      Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#>  9   45756797 Pathology - Clinical      Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#> 10   45756796 Pathology - Chemical      Provider  ABMS          Physician Speci…
#> # ℹ 6,071,632 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: standard_concept <chr>, concept_code <chr>,
#> #   valid_start_date <dbl>, valid_end_date <dbl>, invalid_reason <chr>